It's Law!

A blog about basic legal stuff...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Legal Systems In The World

There are various definitions of the term "legal system". A legal system is the framework of rules and institutions within a nation regulating individual's relations with one another and between them and the government. In this world, there are many types of legal systems, but the few major legal systems of the world today are civil law, common law, customary law, religious law and mixed law systems.


Civil law is the dominant legal tradition today in most of Europe, all of Central and South America, parts of Asia and Africa, and even some discrete areas of the common-law world, like Louisiana and Quebec. The origin of civil law is from the Roman law. The civil law is a set out of comprehensive system of rules which are applied and interpreted by judges. Besides that, civil law is older, more widely distributed and in many ways more influential than the common law.


Common law is a system of law that is derived from judges' decisions, rather than statutes or constitutions. It is based on tradition, past practices and legal precedents set by courts through interpretation of statues, legal legislation, and past rulings.It is English in origin and is found in United States and other countries with strong English influences.


Customary law is a traditional common rule or practice that has become an intrinsic part of the accepted and expected conduct in a community, profession, or trade and is treated as a legal requirement. Not many countries in the world today will operate under a legal system which could be wholly customary. However, customary law still plays a sometimes significant role, like in the matters of personal conduct, in many countries or political entities with mixed legal systems.


Islamic law is derived from the interpretation of the Al-Quran. Its primary objective is social justice, but also includes property rights, economic decision making, and types of economic freedom. Islamic law is mostly found in Pakistan, Iran, and other Islamic states.

A mixed legal system is a mixture of two or more legal system practised by some countries.


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